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Murwillumbah RC  -  A.G.M
Saturday 29 March @ 11am (DST)

MRC Member reminder:
NSW Firearms Licence holders - 'Target Shooting'
4 x shoots required in financial year.
Don't leave them all till June!


Subject to change!

Range only open on weekends at designated discipline times.


Come and try

'Target Rifle Shooting'

- It's great fun!

Range Address:   Stokers Rd,   Dunbible
(GPS purposes - Rifle Range Rd, Dunbible)

(Open only on a Saturday & Sunday at certain times                     - range over two private farm properties - please respect!)

Next Target Shoots:

Fullbore:             Sat     29   Mar      @    12pm (DST) -  800yds 
                                                                                                                                     Smallbore:         Sat    29   Mar     @    8am (DST)

Shotgun:             Sun   30   Mar     @    9am (DST)
Members  only Load  Dev  -  Sun   18  May  @  9am 

SEDRA:                 Rd  1 - Sun 6 April @ 8.30am - 800yds  (Belmont)

Membership  - Come to the Range on  above times to discuss.
                                 We are a proud QRA Affiliated Club. 
                                 Not aligned to SSAA.



Ammunition (Fullbore):

Our Club has factory ammunition which allows visitors the opportunity to try our great sport.

The cost for 2 x rounds is $50. Please contact the Club Captain (see 'Contact' tab) if you would like to attend a scheduled shoot.



Range Fees:

Members & visitors please note:  

Please bring the right amount of money to the range.


Members - $10

Non-members - $20

U/18 Junior Members - $5

Junior Non-Member - $10


Use of Murwillumbah Rifle Club Firearms included in fees.


Fullbore:   T.R. / F Class / FTR / F Open:

308 Ammunition:  

$25.00 for 12

$50.00 for 25



.22 Bench / Field Rifle .22 & Air Rifle:

(As of 11 Jan, 2025)

25 Shot (.22 starter pk.) inc. Non Member Fee - $30.00

.22  Ammunition:

CCI                 $10.00 Pk 50

SK Red           $20.00 Pk 50

Eley Black       $30.00 Pk 50


 Air Rifle:     30 Shots $5.00

                   250 Pk   $25.00

                   500 Pk   $35.00




Clay Targets per stage: $10 + Range Fees

​Steel Shot Ammunition: $15.00 Pk 25



​ â€‹No personal pets allowed on Range.


Important News:

Fullbore Range:

Our Club has the facilities that embraces the sport of Fullbore Target Shooting.  We have both electronic (ShotMarker) & manual target systems.


Our range consists of various mounds at distances of 300, 500, 600, 700, 800 & 900 yards.


Please check the 2024 calendar for future Target Shoots in the Fullbore discipline.


We look forward to seeing our club's Fullbore shooters & visitors on the range.  See you on the mound!



Unlicenced visitors welcome!

Unlicenced visitors wanting to come along and have a target shoot are welcome to the range on any given shooting discipline  scheduled time (see 'Home' page).


Unlicenced & Licenced visitors must bring along either their 'Firearms Licence' &/or 'Car Licence' for identification, as well as, the right cash payment (no EFT facility available). Once sighted, the club can carry out the appropriate paperwork for the day. All shooters must sign a P650 form before commencing. 

Like to know more?

Try our great sport of 'Target Rifle Shooting':

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